Saturday, October 2, 2010


I really like chapter five’s section D 2. In this section the book discussed the issue of, “confusing possibility with plausibility.” (p. 97)We read a great example that is an obvious cover up for the Tea Party. The basic understanding that the section tries to get across is that even though an argument is possible it isn’t always likely. I like this section because it reminds me about how most people prefer to just go along with arguments simply because they think it might have happened. The section says, “an interesting explanation is at most a good reason to investigate whether its claims are true.” (p. 97) We have a good friend who is a stanch Republican, but when pressed for reasons why he begins to spout out unproven gossip like it is the holy truth. What kills me is that he hears it from some person on the radio, or some editorial, and never looks into the facts.

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