There’s a great curry smell coming from across the street. It must be an Indian family that moved in.
Analysis: The argument is that the family that moved in across the street must be Indian because we can smell curry, and all Indians eat curry. The argument is weak because it assumes that only people from India either cook or eat curry. We could add something to the argument to strengthen it such as a personal observation, however, I don’t think even that would make it a strong argument.
Again, when we think about an argument I believe there are two conclusions most people jump to. If it is in the slightest way possible most people will just assume you are correct. I think this is because we have an inherent need to trust others. The second conclusion is to break your argument apart and tell you it’s obviously wrong. Mostly this comes from people who’s trust has been broken is a serious way.
I agree. The argument can be flawed because not all Indians eat curry. I myself love to eat curry and I sometimes cook it. However, I'm actually Filipino and Filipinos do not have curry for their native dish. If whoever made this argument went to my house and smelled the curry I made, it would be weird to say I'm Indian. Another thing is that what if someone doesn't know that curry was an Indian native dish? Another way to repair this argument is to add something about curry being a native dish for Indians. Anyways, I liked your blog because curry is one of my favorite dishes. :)