Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Subjective vs objective

Subjective comments seem to be ever more present in our society. We hear them in the news, read them in the paper, and all over the internet. A great example of a subjective claim that I heard and talked about in a different class was what it takes be considered evil. We read about how some people considered the 9/11 bombers a to be evil, and I claimed that they were doing evil. This is subjective because it is up for interpretation. Recently I was talking to my friend about how my sister had been laid off from her teaching position along with people that had up to ten years of seniority. This is objective because it is stating a fact, and is not open for debate or interpretation. We can research and prove it to be the case. I tend to use subjective claims because I find them to be more stimulating and interesting due to the human factor.

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