Saturday, September 18, 2010

Violating the Principle of Rational Discussion

Violating the Principle of Rational Discussion is something I am all too aware of. My favorite area that is discussed is the Strawman. In this area the text says, “It’s easier to knock down someone’s argument if you misrepresent it, putting words in the other person’s mouth. An example of this in the real world is the debate in California over the legalization of marijuana. In my mind I might feel one way about the subject, but my friend might fell another but assumes we have the same impression of what will happen if the measure passes. For instance:
Joe: I cannot wait to vote to legalize weed.
Sam: That’s crazy because you know that legalizing weed will lead to more children smoking it and eventually over dosing on heroin.
In this example we can see how Sam assumes that Joe knows that the legalization will lead children down a horrible path.

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