Monday, November 8, 2010

Various Ways to Reason

1). Reasoning by Analogy
Premise 1: I have a job that pays me and therefore I have to pay taxes.
Premise 2: My neighbor has a job that pays him.
Conclusion: My neighbor has to pay taxes.

2). Sign Reasoning
Premise 1: I was hiking in Big Sur last year and came across a steaming water hole.
Conclusion: I immediately undressed so I cold soak in the hot water.

3). Causal Reasoning
Premise 1: My wife and I attended a wedding this weekend.
Premise 2: I drank more gin and tonics from the open bar than I can remember, while my wife drank water.
Premise 3: I don’t remember anything after diner, but my wife does.
Conclusion: I must have become drunk.

4). Reasoning by Criteria
Premise 1: That woman must be pregnant. Doesn’t she look like she’s carrying a baby?
Conclusion: She is glowing.

5). Reasoning by Example
Premise 1: Getting your bachelors degree is a great idea.
Conclusion: I have a friend who lost his job recently, and no one will offer him another without a bachelors.

6). Inductive
Premise 1: The ocean ebbs and flows with the tides every day.
Conclusion: The ocean will ebb and flow with the tides tomorrow.

7). Deductive
Premise 1: Everyone in my house has Sageant as a last name.
Premise 2: Graham lives in my house.
Conclusion: Graham’s last name is Sargeant


  1. Journey,

    I found your post overall very helpful. The examples were very easy to understand which demonstrated that you clearly understand all the concepts very well. I found your examples to be very straight forward which is a good thing because it makes it easier to understand and see the difference in between them.
    I especially liked your example for #7. Deductive. As you stated, if everyone in your house has Sageant as a last name and Graham lives in your house, his last name is therefore Sageant.
    Overall I found your post very clear :)
    Keep up the good work!


  2. I like your examples because I (and some people I know as well) can relate. Example five about reasoning by example was good because we are all college students trying to get our bachelor's or master's degree, or just trying to graduate in general. What you said in the conclusion for that example can actually really apply in real life because getting a job is hard nowadays. Plus, interviewers probably compare the applicants to each other. If one had a bachelor's while the other doesn't, the one with the bachelor's will probably be hired. Also, I agree that it would be hard to get a job without a college degree because most jobs want to know if they can trust you.
