Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mission Critical

I found the Mission Critical website to be very helpful. It clearly defines and outlines the structure for arguments based on causation. I especially liked the example of the bicyclist and the car accident as it shows the complexity of various situations. We know that the world is intermingled, and that what I do may affect those around me without my ever knowing it. The site says, “These causal arguments, then, follow the form of an inductive argument with one important exception: whereas an inductive argument carries as part of its second premise the implication that there is otherwise no significant difference, these causal arguments carry the implication that there is only one significant difference: for the bicyclist, the truck; for the first driver, the bicycle; for the second driver, the first car.” From this we can easily see how our casual arguments are more self-focused, and inductive arguments look deeper at the root of the issue.

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